Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Live axe the Wads - PNS161 - 03.28.07

I'm in France y'all! We drove through South France, and now Gay Expat is ever so gracious to have us over in Paris. Devin and I are having an amazing time. Tré romantic! Thanks to Ryan too! He let us stay at his flat in London. We both wish we had more time with you Ryan! Come to Chicago sometime.

On to the episode. Tradgedy express, all aboard-- David and Devin in the house. Drink spilled on account of 8 million cords. Hand wringing about coat (I have a stain stick you can use). St. Patty day rapee's. We talk about our outfits. Shelly Long is a whore. What did we do today? Devin isn't any drunker than us, just shy everyone. Having diabeetus is hard and junk. No headphones make Skype all echoey n' shit. Pat's dead mom doesn't wear headphones. Devin privates are huge. Ah, we fix skype. Pat is bofe shower and a grower and his cock gets a yellow participation ribbon. Dave's cock is "fine", but probably huge. My cock is huge, and Devin agrees. Chris has a nice Italian sassage that is 7.5 inches. HAY! Chris is single and lovin' it. Beejer talk. Mrs. Garrett script on the way! I phone in my Mrs. Garrett impersonation. I just now realize that Chris Diani is the famous indi-filmaker! Neat! I meant to axe him if he knows of Shawn Durr. Wool sweater is good for the humidity. Anonymous movie talk. More beejer talk. Netflix queu. Devee's Sister Bertril makes me giggle. We're Going to Get It Tonight (That's right, ooh Yeah!) song ends.

PNSexplosion - Episode 161

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Got Blacklung? - PNS160 - 03.20.07

Funny show today! Sussie Sisson is back in the hizzy and did her best to not talk about fingerbanging. Voice letter-box time. We make haikus, and make fun that all of you are methadone addled burn victims. Call 206 888 GAYZ. Right now. Then leave a comment for this show and boomtacular. It makes us feel oh so happy.
Woo! Gieger time! Gieger gives us ANTM update. Gieger needs to move here because I love him so.
Jeopardy time! Straight girls end up coming in and are gassy, but in a strange and unexpected turn don't fingerblast. Well played ladies. Got blacklung? Try new Lungbrush, from 'Scuse ME!®, the sister company of Right Lady's?®, the makers of Raspberry Rain Douche for Your Butt, Your Manbutt. We do something completely original and refreshing and sing Hot Mashed Potatos Tonight a-freakin-gain. Just a note to listeners: if you don't like a skit, like say The Jesuit Priests, its best to not tell me and Pat. We'll just do it more. Pat tells us about when he was 13 years old and wore a flimsy white linen skirt and got raped during his family reunion. International call from Saudi Arabia! Neat. We don't quite understand the question so we do a fatwah. Kelly Rippa, Regis, Dekota Fanning, Elizabeth Hasselbeck (note to Jehad Jerry: please make it violent), Ann Coulter (obvious, but whateves), Gale King, Oprah, and the makers of The Secret. Sandra Lee gets a fatwah warning and Pat wants to shank her right in the puss which is pretty reasonable once you think about it. We forget about trying to answer the previous question from Saudi Arabia. I tell everyone my deep dark secret about sticking a Stain Stick up my butt. Don't tell anyone, because I'd be totally mortified. I also used to bite and fuck pillows. But, shhh, don't tell anyone my shame.
Because I know so much about women's bodies, I describe female masturbation. Sussie debunks our wine soaked tampon in butt theory. Does anyone know about this, or have tried it? Uh oh, Pat's mic is cutting out. Sussie tells us her story about applicating her first tampon, which is funny and heartwarming. Love Sussie to bits. How much do we love Ikea Meatballs? Pat would totally get it on with the cadavers at Body World (yes, he is that emotionally unavailable). I kid, I kid.
Losin' Steam (Tonight!) song. We really only planned on a 20 minute show, but end up closing out after 50 minutes with an Eyetalian disco song from Fourfour.

P.S.-- If you'd like to contribute to Noah and Devin's dream vacashe (nutshell: we be broke asses 'cause they are self employed and just moved) here is a link. We are so grateful for all the donations so far, and this will be our last shameless plea, we pinky swear. Go over to boomtacular for periodic posts from France! If you didn't donate, all of us thank you for just listening/reading. xoxox

PNSexplosion - Episode 160

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Axe the Gaywadz, Live!

call us on Skype tonight. 8 Central.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Things that are faggots! *ding!*, bonus episode - PNS158 - 03.14.07

Well, better late than nevah. Dave is in the house (from like a month ago). We're not at all drunk.

PNSexplosion - Episode 158

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Skull fuck my nose. - PNS157 - 03.12.07

We do some voicemails (call 206 888 GAYZ you queerbait). Happy Monday. Scott was up late then yuked, then had rill bad ree-ree and yawns through a lot of the episode. I'm a bit worn out from teaching 7 classes in one day. Eating our weight in pizza slut did not help our tiredness. Totes seepy-seeps ti ti red for ni ni. Pat only grows stronger with every slice of carbo-laden greezy pizza and cinna-styx and is all fired up.
We start things off with a Don Twine remix of Hot Mashed Potatos. Freakin' hilar! But seriously is that jazz keyboarding riff from the prog-rock band Yes?
Gieger saves our shit sammy and sticks it to us hard with an ANTM update. It really tickles me because he's at once so angry and so bored. He, like always, makes that train wreck of a show hilarious. Thank goodness for little girls, and Gieger.
Prezzies! from our UPS store! Someone sent Scott some rice paper for his greezy daygo face, it immediately turns transparent because he is a dirty godless guappo. Prism Guard Panty-Shield tee had me at hello, but I'm a faggot so I'm not allowed to fight the "war" on "terror" that is in no way about oil. Dogs do not like Greenies treats, but that's just because Dahlia is an ungrateful whore-dog with a fupa and dirty vajeen. Pat stepped in Dahlia feces earlier and she kept sniffing his heal which totally grossed him out. Dahlia sure does love poop! Someone sent me a whole fucking box of hand warmers! I love it when you guys take care of me. My hands and heart are warmed. :) Sharon from Tampon sent us a litteral shitload of pixie sticks that will eventually lead to losing my little toe. They are the giant ones in the plastic tubes. Good thing someone sent us that One Touch. Ooh, I'll totally measure my blood sugar before and after pixie stick in an upcoming episode. Wouldn't that be hilar if I was diagnosed with type 2 diahbeetus live on the show?!

Music from PNS fave Fourfour. Spanks Rich.

PNSexplosion - Episode 157

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Friday, March 09, 2007

[she] looks like Miss Piggy - PNS156 - 03.9.07

My first Marky Post!! I cuntpressed it and posted it like a big girl so be sure to bitch a whole bunch about the audio quality to me! Pat is all fired up per usual, I have moments of Schiavo-esque awareness, and Scott went totally ree-ree because he's secretly boy crazy (they haven't done it in the butt yet). Call our comment line 206 888 GAYZ. Take a second from your buggering session to call, ah'ight faggot?

PNSexplosion - Episode 156


Friday, March 02, 2007

Why Don't You Pay Attention! - PNS155 - 03.02.07