Sunday, April 30, 2006

Oooh La La Sassoon - PNS82 - 05.01.06

It's another GREAT episode, or depending on how you look at it, a shit sammy! Star K stops by to review a Lifetime Movie, we rip em' and dip em' with the 'Converstation Hat and de-butt a brand new segment (that i just lurv) called, "It's Just Roomates and More.'. Sweetie pie Tech Steve stops by and gives us a update and we patter on! LOVE THE PNS.

PNSexplosion - Episode 82

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Love the Gays, Blacks and Jews! - PNS81 - 04.27.06

We start er' out with 'The Minute' and go down South to 'Munch Our P.O. BOX'. We debut a fantastic new segment called 'It's a Living with Cher'. Next up, one of my favorite 'Music Korner's' with Tiffany, not Towers -- And a 'Game Show'!!! XOXO, PNS.

PNSexplosion - Episode 81

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Twat? - PNS80 - 04.24.06

ROBO CHER opens the show. We have some patter and then stick our fingeys into the 'Conversation Hat'. We 'Munch the PO BOX', listen to a few 'Axe the Gaywad(z)', Geiger delivers a couple suburb updates and the 'Straight Girls' stop by and tell their story -- Oh, and 'The Minute' is back! xoxo, PNS.

PNSexplosion - Episode 80

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

RERUN! - PNS79 - 04.19.06

We dipped deep into our sticky hole to bring you this RERUN episode of the PNS. We'll be back with a fresh episode on Monday! Kisses, PNS.

PNSexplosion - Episode 79

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Food Baby - PNS78 - 04.16.06

Heya. Tonight we douche a bunch O' 'Axe the Gaywadz', send out a Fatwa and 'Munch the P.O. Box' -- of course Cher, Tiffany Towers and Becky stop by. And we try something different...we use **fart** and **zipper** noises for comedic effect. Mwah, PNS

PNSexplosion - Episode 78

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Love Your Gloria Jean's - PNS77 - 04.13.06

It's a good one -- and the show's not that bad tonight either. We got a Easy Bake® oven y'allz, so we heat that puppy up. We deBUTT a new segment called 'Batshit'. Dip our dingies into the 'Conversation Hat', play a couple a GAYmes and 'Munch the PO Box'. **kiss**kiss** PNS

PNSexplosion - Episode 77

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Jesus Didn't Need Choruses - PNS76 - 04.09.06

We start out this shit sammy with a little ATGW, head down South for a bit to "Munch our PO Box" and get an ANTM update from Geiger. The Straight Girlz stop by and Tammy Faye Baker belts it out in the "Music Corner." Mwaaah, PNS

PNSexplosion - Episode 76

Monday, April 03, 2006

Mr. Bojangles Stoney Island Boulevard - PNS74 - 04.03.06

Lots O' fun going down at the PNS tonight! All the regulars are visiting the studjo where games, skits and hilarity ensue! Hope jews enjoy ;-)

PNSexplosion - Episode 74